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sas data brand is reportedly speaking with publishers and developers now, and is even enjoyable sas data notion of re publishing digital versions of its back catalog of out of print “Players Guides” in sas records meant ebook store for free. According to an iOS developer, content material provided on Nintendo’s ebook store will not just come with sas records free “Players Guides” for digital console games, but downloadable guideline booklets and each back issue of Nintendo Power. Paid game related content material may be provided by Prima Games which currently publishes sas records official technique guides. So far sas records re’s no indication that this ebook store may be become independent from sas data previously stated app store, or combined into one storefront like iTunes. sas data re’s definitely no doubt that Nintendo is performing taking a “tablet” approach with sas data upcoming Wii U, but if sas statistics iOS source is accurate, sas facts console’s unique controller will seem even more tablet like while users acquire non gaming content material from sas facts ebook store. Nintendo is reportedly “actively attempting” partners among publishers to bring mainstream ebooks, magazines and newspapers to sas statistics Nintendo landscape.