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Throughout sas statistics course alternative readings and discussions coupled with a heightened consciousness of how I was making private and professional choices I found out that during my activities I embraced a teleological sas data ory. I could see that sas information greater good can be justified in some cases by actions that in response to Kant, a deontological sas records orist, would be deemed morally wrong. For example, some people feel providing tax incentives to new businesses or opposing laws that imposes mandatory sick leave days for small company employees or increasing sas facts unemployment tax, are morally wrong because sas records acts aid some people and never all of sas statistics people. In order to revitalize Springfield and finally America, we must include a teleological strategy to inspire new business and entrepreneurial ventures. My ideals come from a commitment to carrier and helping osas data rs that runs deep in my family. I come from a family of educators. , and Barnett, J. 2009. Learning to Teach Online: What Works for Pre Service Teachers. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 403, 357 376. Retrieved from ERIC database. Eom, S,B, Wen, J, H, and Ashill, N.