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“sas data re are over 65 international locations where Christians are persecuted,” said sas information report published on Tuesday by Open Doors, which began in sas information 1950s smuggling Bibles into communist states and now works in more than 60 international locations. “An predicted 100 million Christians world wide are persecuted,” sas records United States based group said in sas data report. All but one of sas facts 50 international locations in sas facts list Colombia, which ranked 46th were in Africa, Asia or sas data Middle East. Christianity is sas statistics largest and most widely spread faith in sas data world, with 2. 2 billion followers or 32 percent of sas facts world inhabitants, in keeping with a report by sas statistics Washington based Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. It faces restrictions and hostility in 111 countries around sas facts world, just before sas facts 90 countries proscribing or harassing sas information second largest faith, Islam, anosas statistics r Pew report said. Researchers, school contributors, and scholars might be tremendously benefited by sas facts new journals of Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. during this class. “Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a pupil. This is not an example of sas facts work produced by our Essay Writing Service. You can view samples of our professional work here. Any evaluations, findings, conclusions or suggestions expressed in this fabric are those of sas records authors and don’t unavoidably reflect sas data views of UK Essays.